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Updated 5 months ago


At a glance
I get the following trace when using the callback manager. I'm just doing a query from the query_engine - I'm seeing that it's hitting the LLM more than once - causing the response time to be longer. Why is that? What can cause that to happen? @WhiteFang_Jr @Logan M

Plain Text
Trace: query
    |_query -> 6.464402 seconds
      |_synthesize -> 5.598681 seconds
        |_templating -> 2.5e-05 seconds
        |_llm -> 2.454756 seconds
        |_templating -> 2.8e-05 seconds
        |_llm -> 3.094954 seconds
1 comment
This is expected. If more nodes are retrieved than can fit into one llm call, it makes multiple to refine answer, so that the llm can read all the retrieved text
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