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Updated 4 months ago

Automatically converting name to email address

At a glance
I'm trying out the tool interface. I have a function called something like "get_account_id" which takes an email address parameter. When I ask it to do something for "John Smith" the openaiazure agent is automatically converting the name to email address and passing it to the tool. How might I get it to stop that and expect the information to be inputted?
There's a larger question I have around how to support input validation to ensure that tools don't fire with the wrong info, but maybe the answer to this question will lead me in the right direction.
You could replace the human-in-the-loo step with something more progamatic if you wanted
Thank you @Logan M , will take a look
Ok, I've gone through the tool agent concierge flow. What I'm not understanding is why "Multiply 6 * 2 and then add 5" doesn't work. Shouldn't the transfer let it do the next step?
It seems like it can't jump from workflow to workflow in the same thread. If I put the tools in the same Agent config, it works.
New issue. I have a workflow that requires implicit inputs. Say you want to cancel one of your insurance policies, and your tool returns a list. It seems like the workflow is autoselecting the first value in a list rather than asking which one it should cancel.

Here's an example code for my Agent Config and tools.
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from pydantic import Field

from import FunctionTool
from models.agentconfig import AgentConfig

def get_account_ids(email: str = Field(description="An email address, formatted as")) -> list[str]:
    """Used to get a list of account IDs for a user for a given email address."""
    return ["1234567890"]

def get_policies_for_account_id(account_id: str) -> list[str]:
    """Used to get a list of policies for a given account ID."""
    return ["Policy_1", "Policy_2"]

def send_cancel_policy_form(account_id: str, policy: str) -> str:
    """Used to send a cancel policy form to a customer."""
    return "Cancel Policy Form sent for Policy: " + policy

get_account_ids_tool = FunctionTool.from_defaults(fn=get_account_ids)
get_policies_for_account_id_tool = FunctionTool.from_defaults(fn=get_policies_for_account_id)
send_cancel_policy_form_tool = FunctionTool.from_defaults(fn=send_cancel_policy_form)

tools = [get_account_ids_tool, get_policies_for_account_id_tool, send_cancel_policy_form_tool]

SendCancelPolicyFormAgentConfig = AgentConfig(
    name="Send Cancel Policy Form Agent",
    description="Used to send a cancel policy form to a customer.",
    system_prompt="You are an agent that can send a cancel policy form to a customer. Do not help the user with anything else.",
I set the send_cancel_policy_form to require human approval and now it's asking for which policy. However, if I send back one of the policy options, the script times out.
@Logan M , I see that handle_tool_approval appears to assume a boolean input. How would you handle a more general "Requires human input"?
Seems like in your case, you'd want to add a step for human processing on the tool output?

I see that handle_tool_approval appears to assume a boolean input. How would you handle a more general "Requires human input"? -- the same way, except instead of approving the tool call, you could add text to the tools output, or replace the tool call call with whatever the person said. Its kind of up to you
That's where I started going, I think
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    async def handle_input(self, ctx: Context, ev: ToolInputEvent) -> ToolCallEvent | ToolCallResultEvent:
        """"Handles the input required for a tool call."""
        if ev.input:
            active_speaker = await ctx.get("active_speaker")
            agent_config = (await ctx.get("agent_configs"))[active_speaker]
            return ToolCallEvent(
            return ToolCallResultEvent(
                    content=ev.response or self.default_tool_reject_str,

How do you "add text to the tools output" ?
Ok. Interesting. I had added the input requirement for the get_policies function, when apparently it needed to be on the send_forms function. Seems to work now!
Ok, one more hiccup. With this code, if the user provides the information without being prompted, it crashes.
so if I say 'their email is and policy number is Policy_1, it's timing out.
Hmm, I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "provides the information without being prompted"
The tool requires a policy id, so I added the "requires_human_input" flag. When I one-shot the request and say "here is all the data you need to do x thing" it times out.
How are you calling the workflow? I think you'll still need to call handler.stream_events() and call handler.ctx.send_event(...) when needed right? Otherwise it will get stuck and time out
I have my code as part of a FastAPI. This if the function my endpoint calls to create the Workflow and execute it (I run response = await on_message(event) and return the result):
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async def on_message(chatrequest: ChatRequest) -> str:
  workflow = ConciergeWorkflow()

  handler =
      agent_configs=[MathAgentConfig, SendCancelPolicyFormAgentConfig,TransferToHumanAgentConfig],
      initial_state={"favorite number": "5"},

  async for event in handler.stream_events():
    if isinstance(event, ProgressEvent):


  final_result = await handler
  return final_result["response"]
Right, if an agent calls a tool that needs human response/approval, you aren't checking for it πŸ‘€ You are only checking for progress events
In the original example, you need to check for if isinstance(event, ToolRequestEvent): and then run
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So that execution can continue
I thought this part was supposed to happen in the Concierge Workflow
Isn't that for loop just printing output? it's not actually executing anything
Here is my Workflow Class
Nope, this is specifically for tools that require human approval. I'm directly referencing the usage here

(I wrote this, so I sure hope i know how it works lol)

I'll have a peek at your code when I'm back at my desktop
Oh, interesting. Yea, I think I missed that part.
Yea without that send_event, the workflow will either timeout (if you set a timeout) or hang forever because it's waiting for that response event
This is the "human in the loop" portion
Do you have a suggestion for how to transition approved = input("Do you approve? (y/n): ") for an API response?
I get an EOF error on the input("USER>>") code. I assume this opens a request box in a notebook?
In a notebook or CLI app it works

To make it come from an api response, you'd need to, I guess, make an API lol

If this was on a fastapi server, I might create a websocket. Or, if you want pure REST, you'll have to serialize the run and resume it once you have a response

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from llama_index.core.workflow.context_serializers import JsonSerializer, JsonPickleSerializer

ctx_dict = handler.ctx.to_dict(serializer=JsonSerializer())
resumed_ctx = Context.from_dict(w, ctx_dict, serializer=JsonSerializer())
handler =
Where does the Context value from from in that example?
from llama_index.core.workflow import Context
When I await the handler, I don't see a ctx value in the final_result
I see it inside the workflow object though...
When you await the handler, it just returns the result. The context is only accessed through handler.ctx
(I might be misunderstanding what you meant)
nvm. I'm seeing that the agent config in the context is not serializable.
JsonPickleSerializer might be helpful there
(its opt-in, because, yanno. pickle lol)
Can't pickle local object 😦
ah dang, thats a death sentence lol
the joys of python
(imo the websocket approach is probably way easier. Websockets in fastapi are so easy these days)
Ok. I'm new to websockets, and found this example:

The one-shot request works, but the connection dies immediately, I presume because of "finally" in the try catch. Any examples of maintaining the context/history you can share?
In that example, the webscoket would close either when the workflow run ends, or when an exception happens

They way I setup the multi-agent concierge is that all the state (i.e. chat history) is passed into, so you can manage that any way you want (its a pydantic object, so easy to serialize)
So following that example, I would return the result, and either have the caller manage the chat history, or some other db
would just passing a chatmemorybuffer to the workflow run suffice?
That does not seem to work. hmmm
I must be missing something fundamental about how to make this system work.
nope. Maybe refer to the original I linked earlier. Its passing in the chat history as a list of ChatMessage objects
and the caller of the workflow has to manage the memory
Is it supposed to append the messages that come in to handler.chat_history?
Looking at memory.put() ?
So you execute at every new 'turn' ?
technically each in this case is like a single pass/turn through the entire system
Thanks for the help. I got the system running!
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