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Updated last year

Anyone know where i can find more info

At a glance

The post is about finding more information on "chatstorage" - specifically, how to persist conversations to a database, recall history, and load sessions. Community members provide some helpful information:

- The concept is new, and the author wrote it to avoid maintaining two versions of the same sliding-window buffer logic. Docs are available at the provided link.

- Saving a conversation to JSON and reopening it as a chat will retain the full conversation history.

- To use the chat store, you need to load it and pass it to the memory module with the appropriate key.

- One community member had trouble getting the storage to work, but another provided a working example using Redis.

- There was discussion about potentially adding support for other storage options like PostgreSQL, and a community member offered to work on a PostgreSQL wrapper.

However, there is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

Useful resources
Anyone know where i can find more info on chatstorage ? Persist to db, recall history load sessions and so forth?
Its a pretty new concept -- I wrote it because someone was adding a redis memory module, and I didn't want to maintain two versions of the same sliding-window buffer logic πŸ˜…

Docs are here

Happy to answer any questions though that are maybe missing from that page
Ok cool, yeah i read the docs, thought i might have missed some, but basically saving a conversation to json then reopen it as_chat will have a menory of the whole conversation ?
Yea, like you'll need to load the chat store, and pass it to the memory module with the appropriate key set.

Plain Text
chat_memory = ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(
    chat_store_key="user1",  # <- points to what collection in the chat store to use

Then using that memory in a chat engine or agent, it will have access to the past chat history
I cant get it to work the storage is never created i e setup a redis stack to run against
mmm it works for me?

Plain Text
from llama_index import SimpleDirectoryReader, VectorStoreIndex
from import RedisChatStore
from llama_index.memory import ChatMemoryBuffer

chat_store = RedisChatStore(redis_url="redis://localhost:6379")
memory = ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(chat_store=chat_store, chat_store_key="user123")

documents = SimpleDirectoryReader("./docs/examples/data/paul_graham").load_data()

index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents)

agent = index.as_chat_engine(memory=memory)"What did the author go growing up?")"Thanks!")

print("agent ", agent.chat_history)
print("chat_store ", chat_store.get_messages("user123"))
Also just running redis-stack on docker
Ahh now i see it i loaded it in the wrong way, thanks logan!! Iam sorry but iam sure i will be back with stupid questions πŸ™‚
Are there any plans for more stores ?? Postgres ?
I'm not sure how storing a list would work in postgress. A JSON blob maybe?

The interface is fairly simple -- very open to community PRs ❀️
Ive been working with python for like 1 week πŸ™‚ so not yet i think, i can probably write a wrapper on the simplechat store to store in postgres
Yeah i know looked at it already πŸ™‚
ah sweet πŸ™‚
Iam thinking a chatstore table with a combined pk on sessionid and message id would work the. Just do inserts upserts deletes on the table would work, but i dont have the knowhow to do it yet though
hmm when running a
Stream = agent.stream_chat(prompt)
for response in Stream.response_gen:
responseBuffer += (response or "")

the assistans answer is not appended to the chatmemory
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