Any chance anyone has used the KeywordTableIndex successfully?
I am currently using it but getting an empty index returned every time.
Using the callback manager I can see that the payload to gpt 3.5 is successfully getting there and coming back with X keywords, but for some reason the index is always empty at the end...
# Templating step is successful (2 events per step)
CBEvent(event_type=<CBEventType.TEMPLATING: 'templating'>, payload={<EventPayload.TEMPLATE: 'template'>: "Some text is provided below. Given the text, extract up to {m......
CBEvent(event_type=<CBEventType.TEMPLATING: 'templating'>, payload=None, time='01/09/2024, 11:25:30.....
# LLM step is successful (Also 2 events per step)
CBEvent(event_type=<CBEventType.LLM: 'llm'>, payload={<EventPayload.MESSAGES: 'messages'>: [ChatMessage(role=<MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, content="Some text is provided below. Given the text, extract up to 3 keywords from
CBEvent(event_type=<CBEventType.LLM: 'llm'>, payload={<EventPayload.MESSAGES: 'messages'>: [ChatMessage(role=<MessageRole.USER: 'user'>, content="Some text is
EventPayload.RESPONSE: 'response'>: ChatResponse(message=ChatMessage(role=<MessageRole.ASSISTANT: 'assistant'>, content='KEYWORDS: Ticket ID: 7690, Project....
Any ideas?
Using Service context with an AzureOpenAI deployment
Index is instantiated like this
index = KeywordTableIndex(nodes, max_keywords_per_chunk=3, use_async=False, service_context=service_context, show_progress=True)
index.summary returns 'None'